【摘要】In 2003 the Ewenki of Aoluguya, Inner Mongolia, were relocated to a purposebuilt settlement as “ecological migrants”, justified on the grounds of environmental protection and social development. Although many Ewenki herders are increasingly attracted to the lifestyle offered by regional centers of urbanization, others interpreted the relocation as an attack on the traditional lifeworld, with a number of the Ewenki moving back to the forest where they reside in five major campsites. Together with the changing way of living and the increasing importance of tourism as a revenue source, indigenous cultural practices have declined, including shamanistic performances, traditional medicinal use, and traditional dress, whereas the incidence of alcoholism has increased. By analyzing the specifics of Ewenki reindeer herding and domestication, concentrating in particular on how reindeer shaped the economic and religious lifeworld, this article explores to what extent did their distance to the reindeer and the increasing importance of tourism changed their indigenous way of economic, social, and religious living. Through an examination of the enormous influence of the 2003 relocation, it further explores the multi-dimensional interaction between environment, human, and animal, and by doing so probes into the complex relationship between environmental change and adaptability of ethnic culture.
【关键词】Aoluguya, cultural dilemma, ecological migration, ethnic culture, Ewenki, reindeer herding.
【来源】《Revista de Etnografie si Folclor / Journal of Ethnography and Folklore》2020年第1期
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